This sets the font for the gadget. The GID points to an ALREADY defined text attribute.
close (c)
This gadget will close the window when selected by the user.
readonly (ro)
This gadget is read only.
disable=number (dis=)
The gadget is disabled if number = 0 , enabled if number !=0. Defaults to enabled.
gadgettext="text" (gt=)
Set the text of the gadget.
centerjustify (cj)
Set the justification of the text for the gadget. Defaults to leftjustify.
vertical (v)
This fuelgauge is vertical. Defaults to horizontal.
ticks=number (t=)
Set the 'number' of ticks in the fuel gauge. Defaults to 11.
percent (per)
Show the percentage full as the fuel gauge text.
minnumber=number (minn=)
Empty value for this gadget. Defaults to 0.
maxnumber=number (maxn=)
Full value for this gadget. Defaults to 100.
defnumber=number (defn=)
Value for this gadget when window is opened. Defaults to 50.
minwidth=number (minw=)
Set the minimum width for this gadget
minheight=number (minh=)
Set the minimum height for this gadget
weightedwidth=number (weiw=)
Set the weighted width for this gadget
weightedheight=number (weih=)
Set the weighted height for this gadget
nominalsize (noms)
Set this gadget to its nominal size.
A list of tag and value pairs in HEX. Do not forget the trailing null !
childlabel (chl)
childlabelr (chlr)
Use the previously defined image as a childlabel for this gadget. Display the childlabel to the right or left of the gadget.
Use this gadget to replace an existing gadget specified by GID.
Definition Reply
When the gadget creation is successful the pipe replies with
'ok GID'
FuelGauge gadget modify parameters.
disable=number (dis=)
The gadget is disabled if number = 0 , enabled if number != 0.
gadgettext="text" (gt=)
Set the text of the gadget.
defnumber=number (defn=)
Value for this gadget .
Read the value of a specific gadget attribute. Returns a blank line if attribute is not readable. This should not be combined with any other modify command on the same line.